
Latest news:

August 26, 2005:
Looking for good photos of grad students... please send them in!


This is a website for the Graduate Students in the Natural Resources Program at Delaware State University. It is a relatively new program but growing rapidly. In order to help the current and new graduate students get to know each other and the research they are undertaking, this website was born. This is not an official DSU website. It is a site created BY the Graduate Students FOR the Graduate Students. Although, I do believe the professors might find it helpful as well!

Current Events

The Current Events section will list out important dates for events coming up, such as, the next party at Marcia's house. For you new Graduate Students out there, the parties at Marcia's house are mandatory. We actually get socialization credit for attending. So, if I were you, I would be sure to keep checking this website for the next one! If there is anything you would like to add to the events section just send it along to the person that has too much to do, but still has time to fiddle with a website here.


The Information section will list links to Graduate Student Forms as well as information on important deadlines you will need to target. So, if you know of anything important that the rest of us should know about...send it in here.

Meet the Students

So, you are a Graduate Student in the Natural Resources Department. You have walked the halls of the Baker Building and Herbarium. You see other students doing the same, but you wonder...who are they?

Well then, this is the place for you! We will be adding a page for each graduate student with an action field photo shot for quick identification around the halls at DSU as well as a summary of what their research is, who their advisor is, and other basics so that we all can get to know each other and be a little more friendly on campus! Hey, if the professors won't do it, we have to!

Come on in and enjoy!